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Trauma Touch Therapy

Service Description

Trauma Touch Therapy is a gentle body-centered process that creates a safe, client-driven environment where the client tunes into their body's natural wisdom, giving the body an opportunity to speak after being silenced. Body awareness is realized as the client experiences physical sensations. Various therapeutic tools such as movement, breathwork and setting boundaries are utilized to connect to sensation. The process creates an opportunity for the body to recover from the influence of the traumatic event, integrating new strategies for interacting with the world in a new, healthier, more empowered way. Trauma is anything that is perceived to be life-threatening. It doesn't matter how big or small, whether it was yesterday or three decades ago. The subconscious mind, body and nervous system remembers. Symptoms of trauma include but are not limited to: disengaged from life; being "on guard", anxiety, depression; loss of self; isolation; disassociation; feeling fragmented or physical pain. Is Trauma Touch Therapy for you? It's for anyone who has experienced trauma. Traumatic experiences include but are not limited to: living in survival mode, physical, emotional, mental, verbal or sexual abuse, witness violence or abuse, inability to deal with stress, surgery, auto accidents, war veterans, spouses of veterans, PTSD, loss of voice, boundary issues, inability to connect, excessive crying, panic attacks or phobias. A session lasts approximately 60-90 minutes and is done in-person or remotely. Clients report being able to breathe with more ease, a sense of peace and deeper clarity about the future and where they held tension in their body. WHAT TO EXPECT: Clients are fully dressed and in most cases, a massage table is not used. A 10 session commitment is required as the best results are achieved with a minimum of 10 sessions. Sessions occur on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Precautionary steps are taken to ensure re-traumatization does not occur. NOTE: This session requires a minimum of 10 session commitment. It is important to know that inner work healing is not a one session cure-all. Because we accumulate unhealthy patterns, limiting beliefs and judgements over a lifetime, it may take several sessions to get to the root and clear the negative energies that block your way to a more peaceful life. If you're experiencing a particularly challenging time in your life or are focusing on clearing specific traumas, a series of sessions may be recommended.

1 h
120 US dollars
The Indigo Door, Cypress Point Parkway, Palm Coast, FL

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